WW1 British Army wrist ID bracelet 176 Siege Bty Royal Garrison Artillery M M & C de G

WW1 British Army wrist ID bracelet '176 Siege Bty' Royal Garrison Artillery, MM & C de G

WW1 British Army wrist ID bracelet 176 Siege Bty Royal Garrison Artillery M M & C de G


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WW1 British Army wrist ID bracelet ‘176 Siege Bty’ Royal Garrison Artillery, M M & C de G

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WW1 British Army wrist ID bracelet 176 Siege Bty Royal Garrison Artillery M M & C de G

WW1 British Army wrist ID to Gnr Ben Vernon Military Medal and Coix de Guerre recipient, of the ‘176 Siege Bty’ Royal Garrison Artillery service number 67467, Many soldiers purchased such items in case of death and loss of the neck worn fibre tags which perish in the ground. Made from aluminium and steel.
Distinguishing himself in an action on the 5th and 6th of April 1917 during a violent bombardment, after which some of the men were killed this man stayed at his gun and destroyed the enemy position.
So was awarded the Military Medal and the Coix de Guerre. He was also a naughty boy up on various times on a charge for being without a pass , drunk in town , out of uniform. But war shows us that not all those that follow the book can do outstanding duty. All full researched information comes with the bracelet.

WW1 British Army wrist ID bracelet 176 Siege Bty Royal Garrison Artillery M M & C de G

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